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Oocyte activation after intracytoplasmic injection with sperm frozen without cryoprotectants results in live offspring from inbred and hybrid mouse strains




Re-establishment of mouse strains used for mutagenesis and transgenesis has been hindered by difficulties in freezing sperm. The use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) enables the production of embryos for the restoration of mouse lines using sperm with reduced quality. By using ICSI, simplified sperm-freezing methods such as snap freezing can be explored. We examined the capacity of embryos from the inbred C57Bl/6J and 129Sv/ImJ mouse strains, commonly used for transgenic and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis purposes to develop to blastocysts in vitro and to term following ICSI with sperm frozen without cryoprotectant. The results were compared to F1 (C57BlxCBA) hybrid embryos. Following freezing, sperm were immotile but could fertilize oocytes at similar rates to fresh sperm. However, embryo development in vitro to the blastocyst stage was reduced in all three strains. No pups were born from C57Bl/6J or 129Sv/ImJ embryos obtained from frozen sperm following transfer to foster females, and only a limited number of F1 embryos developed to term. Activation of oocytes injected with frozen sperm with 1.7 mM Sr 2+ (SrCl2) did result in the birth of pups in all three strains. We conclude that the inability of sperm frozen without cryoprotectants to effectively activate oocytes may affect embryo development to term and can be overcome by strontium activation. This may become an effective strategy for sperm preservation and the restoration of most popular strains used for genetic modifications.
机译:冷冻精子的困难阻碍了用于诱变和转基因的小鼠品系的重建。胞浆内精子注射(ICSI)的使用使胚胎的生产能够使用质量降低的精子恢复小鼠品系。通过使用ICSI,可以探索简化的精子冷冻方法,例如速冻。我们检查了自交系C57Bl / 6J和129Sv / ImJ小鼠品系的胚胎的能力,这些品系通常用于转基因和N-乙基-N-亚硝基脲诱变目的,可在体外发育为胚泡,并在ICSI后冷冻精子而无需冷冻保护剂的条件下发育。将结果与F1(C57B1xCBA)杂种胚胎进行比较。冷冻后,精子不动,但可以以与新鲜精子相似的速率使卵母细胞受精。但是,在所有三个菌株中,体外发育到胚泡期的胚胎都减少了。从冷冻精子获得的C57Bl / 6J或129Sv / ImJ胚胎在转移到寄养雌性后没有幼仔出生,并且只有有限数量的F1胚胎发育至足月。注射了1.7 mM Sr 2+(SrCl2)的冷冻精子的卵母细胞的激活确实导致了这三个菌株中幼仔的出生。我们得出的结论是,没有冷冻保护剂的冷冻精子无法有效激活卵母细胞可能会影响胚胎的发育,并可以通过锶激活来克服。这可能成为精子保存和恢复用于遗传修饰的最流行菌株的有效策略。



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